Insanity Saint Designs

Redesigning Logo ? Here's how to do it the Right Way !

by: Sourabh Sharma

A strong and relevant logo can have a big impact on your company’s growth. Besides your brand name, one thing that nearly everyone notices at first while interacting with your organization is your brand’s logo and in this post you will learn the right way to logo redesigning. While some people never have to look back once they create their logo (Like Nike and Shell), many of them have to redesign the logo with time and evolution of their organization. For instance, the logo that you might have created in the year 2000 might not go well today with your company’s position and image.

To simply say, a logo is a small visual component that represents your brand in front of a wide array of global audience. Although small, this little visual piece creates a large impact on your company’s growth and your brand value. Redesigning a logo not only helps to keep your brand updated but also increases the chances of your brand getting recognized by people. How? If you redesign your company’s logo, then it will truly represent your company’s ethical values and your underlying goal.

Here’s a fact for you – Almost 90% of the global audience recognizes the popular Coca-cola’s iconic logo. Why? That’s because Coca-cola has been constantly updating its logo with time to create a match with the level of services they are delivering. They invested well in redesigning the logo and today, they are being recognized from their company’s logo. That’s what the power of a strong and compelling logo is!

Still not sure whether to invest in redesigning your logo or not ? Don’t worry, we have got you covered ! Below are a few mentioned reasons over why your company needs a logo redesigning.

Why Do You Need Logo Redesign?

Although there are many reasons why your company needs to redesign a logo, here we have mentioned the top four reasons for a logo redesigning. Let’s dive in!


1. The Logo is Old

The first and the most common reason for a logo redesigning is that your logo might be old. Now, probably you might have designed the logo during your initial days and now with time, your logo got old or in other words might not deliver the true value of your company. In such a scenario, it is always a wise decision to redesign your brand’s logo so that it matches with the present value and services that your brand provides.


2. The Logo is too Complex

Logos with a lot of gradient, or complex details might not deliver the true value of your brand in front of the global audience.  And that’s a common reason for all the companies that started way before the age of digitalization came into existence. If that’s the case with you then probably you need to invest in logo designing. Having a simple and unique logo can help you in the long run of building your brand value on the global platform.


3. Your Company is Evolving

One of the significant reasons why you need to invest in logo designing is because of your company’s growth. Now, it is certain that with time all the organization’s evolve to something better. What you were providing a few years back must have been upgraded to something better and more advanced. And that’s what the case is with your logo. Meaning, you need to understand that if your company is progressing, then your logo must not lag behind. It should also convey the present goal of your company to your target audience, and that too in an effective way. Investing in redesigning a logo is one such way of doing that!


4. You Upgraded Your Services

Last but not least, a significant reason why you should consider redesigning your logo is because of your company’s services. As discussed above, there are certain chances that with time, you upgraded some of your company’s services and goals. If that’s the case with you then it becomes crucial to upgrade your brand’s logo. Why? Because if it’s not done properly, then your logo may create a false image of your brand in front of the global audience. Moreover, an irrelevant logo design might not deliver the true value of your company on the global platform. Hence, redesigning a logo is the best way to ensure that your branding assets are delivering the true value of your company.

6 Amazing Tips For Redesigning a Logo

Now that you have decided to redesign your logo, it is high time to leverage these 6 amazing tips on redesigning a logo that could take your brand to the next level!

#1. Align your Logo with your Company’s Goals : So, firstly, while redesigning your brand logo, you need to match its design with your company’s motto. Meaning, you need to ensure that your logo’s design matches your brand and clearly explains your company’s goals and services. 


Remember, a picture speaks a thousand words, and especially if it’s your company’s logo, it eventually becomes more important. Why? That’s because your logo will represent your brand on the global platform. The people may not remember your brand’s tagline but will surely remember your logo. 


So, before finalizing the design of your logo, remember to analyze your brand and if possible try to consult with a good graphic designer. They can provide you some good ideas related to your logo design. All in all, you need to remember that a good logo design has a hidden story in it. So, your logo should also have some hidden meanings that could specify your company’s goals.  

#2. Avoid an Intricate Design : Your logo is your brand’s representation. It should attract people but that does not mean it should be an elaborated concept. What it means is that your logo design should be as simple as possible. Why? That’s because people tend to remember simple things, a nice picture, or a short name can be seamlessly remembered as compared to a long name or an intricate design.


You need to understand that logo is just a small piece of visual content. And if you choose a complex design and lots of elements, then it may become a tedious task to put all those elements into that design in a proper format. So, I would suggest that you either go for a simple design with minimal elements, or a nice, short, and crisp word that could help your brand stand out from thousands of competitors.  

#3. Don’t Go for a Complete New : While redesigning a logo is a fabulous thing, especially for optimizing your brand’s position, you need not completely transform your brand’s logo. Meaning, you should stick to your core values and themes that are being used in almost all of your documents and brand’s assets. 


Now, many a times it is witnessed that people, while redesigning a logo, transform it completely and as a result people do not recognize them from their new logo. So, what I meant here is, try to keep that tone in your new logo so that it can match your brand and people could recognize you after seeing that logo. 

#4. Pay Heed to Color Combination : Color combination or the theme you choose is also one of the factors that contributes to an amazing logo design. The color theme you choose for your logo will greatly impact your services, brand value, and the main aim of your organization. Remember that a grayscale logo can create as much strong impact as a colored logo.


So, while redesigning a logo, make sure that the color you choose should verse well with your organization’s overall theme. Also, if you plan to choose more than two colors, then they should compliment each other. If you further need any assistance, then maybe contacting a graphic designer could help you.  

#5. Consider Negative Spacing : That’s a particular tip that must not be ignored when redesigning a logo. You should pay attention to your logo designing, and when it has much white space, the n it should be consumed to create a special element that goes well with your brand.

#6.  Analyze Your Competitor : Last but not least, analyzing your competitor is also one of the most crucial aspects that should be addressed while redesigning a logo. Now, you need to remember that a lot of research, and effort goes into redesigning a logo, and of course, your competitors (at least those who have made a successful name) have already done that.

So, questions like what fonts and colors should you use, or what type of theme is trending your industry could seamlessly be solved after analyzing your competitors. And best of all, you could also save a ton of resources and money while effectively analyzing other brand’s logos! Hence, try to get an idea from what others are doing and then implement those changes or other changes to make your logo recognizable and effective. 


Final Words


To conclude we can say that, the world is changing at a much faster rate and so is your business. Whether its enhancements of services, or implementation of automated business operations, things have really changed in today’s digital world. In such a competitive environment, keeping a higher brand value is of course, a tedious task. That’s where the branding and identity services come into play. 


So, if you are also planning to redesign your brand’s logo for more effective business and better brand value, then InsanitySaints are always at your service. We have some amazing ideas and fres digital concepts that can help you to succeed in the global market. Our portfolios and projects can give you a deeper insight over our work. Reach us today to get a free consultation.

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